Impact & Dependency Screening

Understanding how a business interacts with nature, articulating ambitions and taking action are all elements of a biodiversity strategy. A dedicated biodiversity strategy is increasingly a seen as a core requirement of corporate sustainability commitments. It also makes good business sense. From ensuring business continuity through secure supply chains to meeting stakeholder and investor expectations, an active biodiversity strategy is part of business resilience.

Our work with household-name companies across a wide range of sectors has helped set the vision, goals, and targets for some of the world’s most progressive sustainability leaders. We help these organisations create long-term value by applying innovative approaches and integrating biodiversity with established climate, water and social strategies.

We understand that every organisation is unique, and our approach is to work closely with companies to understand ambition, advise on inspirational targets and tailor strategies that navigate complex sustainability issues to produce results.

We can help you:

  • Understand biodiversity’s materiality to the business 
  • Assess, interpret and understand impacts and dependencies
  • Identify mitigation measures and positive conservation opportunities
  • Define strategy, policy and targets – and then implement, monitor and adapt
  • Integrate with climate, water and other nature-related strategies
  • Build capacity and communicate success
  • Align with global targets such as the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Target setting

Just as for climate and the net-zero ambition, target-setting for biodiversity is how a business demonstrates its commitment to a nature positive future. Science-based targets have emerged as a common language to gauge commitments and align action with global goals. They send a strong signal that business has the desire and ability to act as a positive force for sustainability.

Establishing credible targets founded on science is not only about protecting and restoring our planet, but about future-proofing businesses, enhancing supply chain resilience and building nature positive brands. As a contributor to the development of science-based targets for nature, and co-lead for the Science Based Targets Network biodiversity hub, we are in a unique position to guide the integration of SBTs into company policy and practice.

How can we help?

How can we help your organisation meet its nature and biodiversity goals?

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