Our international team is known for its hands-on biodiversity expertise. Most have joined the team because of a love of the wild and come equipped with substantial fieldwork experience in marine, terrestrial and freshwater environments.

We’ve put that experience to use designing major field programs with clients worldwide. We regularly carry out biodiversity data collection for major development and infrastructure projects, guiding the design, management and implementation of surveys crucial to the successful management of biodiversity risk.


Surveys are essential for the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy. We work with clients to ensure the data collected is fit for purpose, whether to support the design of mitigation measures, quantify impacts, design offsets or assess the effectiveness of mitigation.

Action plans & management plans

Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) and similar management plans are the tools of choice to frame and guide implementation of mitigation measures. The use of BAPs is a leading industry practice and is required for operations following IFC PS6. We work closely with clients to support the development of BAPs and their and application.

Stakeholder mapping & consultation

Understanding the hopes and expectations of stakeholders and rights-holders is critical to project success. We regularly advise on and facilitate stakeholder engagement as part of due diligence and risk screening for the development of project BAPs and for completion of ecosystem service assessments.

Make Nature Your Business

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