Advisory & facilitation

Our role as advisor and facilitator on biodiversity issues is central to our work, and collaboration is key. We work across sectors to bring together and maintain an extensive network of industry, conservation, academic, and consultancy partnerships. Combined with the diverse hands-on experience of our team, we keep our clients at the forefront of current and emerging business and biodiversity practices and trends to provide independent and pragmatic advice, based on the latest science.

Cross-sector partnerships and guidance

Our longstanding cross-sector partnerships ensure we support our clients with lessons learned from their own and similar sectors. We have produced some of the most widely referenced and influential guidance, policies and reviews on business and biodiversity issues, including: 

We co-lead the Biodiversity Hub of the Science Based Targets Network and are an active member of the Natural Capital Coalition. We regularly produce Industry Briefing Notes and publications to support the application of good biodiversity and ecosystem services practice.

Biodiversity advisory and working groups

TBC regularly helps establish and participates in biodiversity advisory panels, working and steering groups to support client organisations and projects. These panels bring together companies with specialists who provide independent and credible advice on biodiversity and ecosystem services issues – informed by sound science and conservation principles. Advisory panels often include government and community stakeholders and rights-holders, as well as partners that implement biodiversity actions on the ground, bringing together relevant actors that move projects towards achieving their social and environmental goals. 

We hold the Secretariat role and provide technical support on the advisory panel to two mining projects in West Africa – the Moyen Bafing offset in Guinea, and offsets for the Mako gold mine Senegal. We also established and facilitated a biodiversity committee for the Rio Tinto QMM mine in Madagascar.

Our advisory roles in other sectors include facilitating stakeholder relationships to explore and implement offsets for the Kipeto Wind Power Station in Kenya, and initiating a technical working group to explore the feasibility of various conservation actions for a marine dredging project. The Biodiversity Consultancy's Chief Executive sits on the global Research and Development panel for TotalEnergies, and on the Environment Review Group for a deep geological repository in Canada.