Analyse your organisation's interaction with nature across your value chain

A nature assessment – sometimes termed ‘footprinting’ – helps you understand the scale and significance of your interactions with nature: Where are they? How big are they? How much do they matter – for you, for the planet and for your stakeholders? By understanding the impact and dependency of business activities on nature and biodiversity, a nature assessment helps you identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and define the transitions that may be needed for your value chain to support a nature positive future.  

What is Nature Assessment​?

A nature assessment integrates knowledge and data about your company’s activities with biodiversity data to produce a granular, quantified and spatial understanding of your interactions with nature. An evidence-based assessment is iterative, matching the granularity of data and assessment to the significance of the impacts and dependencies.

Depending on the business needs, the outcomes can include the identification of priority areas, quantified estimates of impacts, and an understanding of biodiversity risks to help define effective mitigation strategies and identify opportunities for positive actions for nature and the business value chain. 

Why you should do a nature assessment

  • Understanding the full range of nature-related impacts enables businesses to make informed decisions that align financial objectives with environmental stewardship.

  • Nature assessment provides companies with insights into their dependence on natural resources and the potential impact of resource degradation on their operations and revenue.​

  • Nature assessment supports businesses to meet the growing requirements and recommendations for reporting and disclosing environmental impacts, such as those set out by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

  • The findings from nature assessment can guide businesses in implementing sustainability strategies that are more likely to endure over time and establish credibility with stakeholders. ​


Make Nature Your Business

Get in touch

Impact & Dependency Screening

Assess the nature-dependency of your business to mitigate risks

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Nature Readiness Review

Assess the nature disclosure readiness of your organisation and make nature your business 

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Target Setting & Strategy Development

Contributing to the nature-positive future with science-based targets and strategies​

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