Action & Transition Planning

Our best ally in the fight against climate change is nature. Nature’s capacity to capture and store carbon in forests, oceans, wetlands, and soil is unequalled – there is no technological solution which offers what nature does, at the scale it does, to combat climate change.

While actions that are positive for biodiversity tend to be good for the climate, not all actions that are good for the climate will benefit biodiversity – as the joint IPBES-IPCC assessment made clear. An integrated approach to climate and nature avoids potential unintended consequences and maximises the opportunity to deliver co-benefits.

We help businesses achieve biodiversity gains from their climate initiatives by leveraging our deep experience with biodiversity metrics, and with major reporting systems such as the GHG protocol and verification schemes, including VCS, CCBA and SDVista.

Our teams have experience designing REDD+, blue carbon and other field projects and have helped organisations such as IUCN develop metrics and approaches specifically designed to measure and maximise the “biodiversity return on investment” of conservation actions – including nature-based solutions and natural climate solutions.

We provide a range of services for integrating biodiversity into your climate strategy:

  • Assessment of biodiversity benefits – and risks – of climate strategies and natural climate solutions portfolios
  • Guidance on optimising the biodiversity benefits of natural climate solutions, based on quantitative assessment using metrics like STAR
  • Monitoring and evaluation, from corporate KPIs through to field-based assessment of individual projects
  • Due diligence on biodiversity risks of individual projects, including acquisitions and potential new investments
  • Integration of biodiversity into ESG management systems that ensure NbS investments contribute to a net gain of biodiversity