Empowering stakeholders to contribute to a nature positive future, reducing biodiversity risks​ and building opportunities

Designing and implementing your nature transition plan will be most ​effective if your key internal and external stakeholders are bought into the process and have a shared understanding of the issues and your planned responses. Stakeholder Capacity Development involves enhancing the capabilities of key stakeholders, empowering them to engage constructively in your nature planning process.


What is Stakeholder Capacity Development?

Stakeholder Capacity Development typically involves identifying and assessing the role and interests of various stakeholders involved in or affected by a project. These stakeholders can be the team members within the organisation implementing or managing the project, members of local communities or suppliers.​

Based on our understanding of their contributions, influence, and interests, we facilitate dialogues and deliver training to build understanding of how nature and business are linked and how nature risks can translate into business risks. By building a shared understanding about what nature positive means for your business, as well as specific voluntary and regulatory requirements, we help to build a common platform for designing and implementing your nature transition plan.


Why you should do Stakeholder Capacity Development

  • Involving stakeholders ensures that diverse perspectives and knowledge are considered, leading to more effective nature strategies.​

  • Proactively engaging and developing stakeholders' capacities can help identify and address potential risks early in the nature planning process.

  • Build a shared understanding from which to co-create opportunities with your stakeholders.


Make Nature Your Business

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Impact & Dependency Screening

Assess the nature-dependency of your business to mitigate risks

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Nature Readiness Review

Assess the nature disclosure readiness of your organisation and make nature your business 

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Nature Assessment

Analyse your organisation's interaction with nature across your value chain

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