Renewable Energy

The renewable energy sector has seen exponential growth on a global scale. From onshore and offshore wind power to solar, hydro and geothermal energy, the development of renewable capacity is essential to deliver on the low-carbon energy mix to address the climate emergency. At the same time, there is increasing recognition from lenders, governments and conservation groups of the biodiversity and ecosystem service risks posed by this growing sector and its associated infrastructure.  

We work within the renewable energy sector to apply our biodiversity expertise to renewable energy development and operations, working with financiers and businesses to identify risks and identify pragmatic management solutions aligned with leading environmental practice. We provide ongoing guidance and capacity development to help businesses meet stringent lender and legislative requirements and deliver projects on time and budget.

Our clients span the entire renewable energy sector, including hydropower, solar, onshore and offshore wind, and geothermal energy. We apply our knowledge and practical experience to manage biodiversity and ecosystem risks through the project cycle, from Critical Habitat screening or assessment at the design stage, to scoping and coordination of field surveys, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), design of mitigation within Biodiversity Action Plans, and the development of offset plans and review of offset progress.

Our proven track record is a testament to our success and has established us as the strategic partner of choice for addressing risks and opportunities at national and regional scales.


Some of our clients and partners



Our services