Technology to improve the management of development impacts on biodiversity

From automation to traceability and remote sensing to eDNA sampling, technology use for conservation holds the promise to help businesses better understand baseline values, and predict, mitigate and monitor impacts on biodiversity.
But with technology and its application developing more rapidly than ever before, which technologies are the best candidates to help drive tangible outcomes for the protection and restoration of our natural world? A new study published in Business Strategy and the Environment has identified six categories of technologies with the potential for application across all stages of the mitigation hierarchy – either the direct implementation of mitigation measures or enhancement of biodiversity surveys and monitoring.
Conservation technologies have made great strides but need more work to fulfil their potential for large-scale application by business. The private sector can play a key role in advancing technology for biodiversity management and support global conservation goals by investing in research, providing user-led input and leveraging technological innovation from other areas of their operations
Categories: Publications, Biodiversity Accounting, Biodiversity Strategy, The Mitigation Hierarchy, Biodiversity Risk and Opportunity
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