Nature Positive Programme

Nature positive is a new worldview, a new way of doing business. It is an inclusive framework in which to design your Nature Strategy for the coming decade. A way to put plans in place, set targets, take action and measure progress.

Whether the drive is coming from societal expectations, from consumers, to gain brand differentiation – or just because it is the right thing to do – you’re in the right place. Nature Positive is supported by, amongst others: the World Economic Forum, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Business4Nature, Science Based Targets Network and many other industry initiatives, as well as a wide coalition of leading international conservation organisations.

Nature positive encompasses much of what you are already doing, such as supply chain management, circular economy initiatives, regenerative systems, biodiversity-positive products, natural climate solutions, and much more.

Where it differs – and why it is rapidly gaining traction – is that it goes beyond the old ‘do less harm’ mentality and taps into the potential of businesses to contribute towards global goals to restore nature, stabilise our climate, and achieve a safe and prosperous future for all.

It sets corporate sustainability targets within the framework of ‘how much is enough?’ – what we need to do to preserve the planetary life support systems on which all of our businesses depend.

Getting started

We have created our Nature Positive Programme as something you can either dip into or partner on, depending on your scope. Our vision of the world is one in which Nature Positive becomes the standard way of doing business, and integrates seamlessly with business, climate and social goals.

There is a simple three-step process to get started:

Our Nature Positive Programme is a way to explore and partner to make your own journey through these new expectations. How do we do this? We ask these questions:

  • Does the existence of my project, initiative or company leave the natural world in a better state? This means being positive for nature overall – not immediately, but on a trajectory towards the positive.
  • Across my value chain, as well as operational sites, what are the key risks and opportunities for nature? How can I own my impacts – both positive and negative?
  • How can my company or project contribute to systemic transformation – through new ways of doing business, or new ways of thinking?

The answer to these questions will inform the design of your Nature Positive initiative: at corporate, value chain and site level. By focusing on risk and opportunity, it is possible to create a programme of actions that impacts the entire value chain. Transforming approaches to business sustainability through new partnerships and practices that protect and enhance the ecosystems that provide resources and services on which your business relies.

How we can support you

We guide our clients through all stages in their nature positive journey. Our services include: