Gina Walsh
Principal Consultant
BSc (Hons), MSc
Gina is a freshwater field ecologist specialising in the assessment and biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems and instream communities (diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fish). Her research to date has focused on how abiotic, landscape elements and disturbances drive and organise freshwater communities.
She has 13 years of experience in the private sector and has worked extensively on largescale oil and gas, mining and energy projects, having gained most of her experience in Africa. She has managed numerous landscape scale freshwater ecology studies and has regularly worked as the principle investigator on IFC PS6 aligned ESIA projects. Her involvement in the implementation phase spans from screening and scoping phases through to baseline surveys, biodiversity monitoring, impact assessments, priority species assessments and offset studies.
Gina is currently pursuing a PhD where her research explores the applicability of contemporary conceptual models to Afrotropical rivers in the Republic of Congo. She is active as an academic researcher and is a field associate of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.